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About us

The South England Conference London Area 6C is a vast territory covering East London, North East London and Essex. Area 6C currently has 25 diverse, multicultural and multigenerational churches and church plants across its territory with a total membership of 3689. The churches and members in this territory continue to passionately share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ in their respective communities, pointing people to the hope found in His soon return.


The area runs several community initiatives and Centres of Influence. The list below is by no means exhaustive of the tremendous work being done across the area.

· East London School of Music (ELSOM) which operates from Clapton Church offers music theory, vocal training and the playing of musical instruments that attracts students from across the area and immediate community. Concerts hosted by ELSOM draw a lot of people from the community and are often graced by Local Authority officials.

· Stratford Homeless Shelter operates from Stratford church in association with the London Borough of Newham to feed the homeless and provide shelter during the Christmas season.

· Walthamstow Feeding the Homeless program operates from Walthamstow and hosts monthly lunches for the homeless.

· Leytonstone Food distribution operates from Leytonstone where food parcels are given out every Saturday afternoon to those in need.


As a result the area continues to grow in membership and to give birth to new churches through church planting


Walthamstow is the oldest of these churches and was founded nearly 100 years ago. Church archives show that the first minister for the church dates back to 1921. It is the oldest church in East London and has been a place of worship for many generations. Walthamstow has been instrumental in planting new congregations as the Lord has blessed its evangelistic efforts over the years. Among the churches above that came from Walthamstow are Stratford, Plaistow, Leytonstone, Ilford Lane (formerly East Ham), Ilford Central churches (formerly Ilford Lane), SureWay and Serenity.


Stratford in turn gave birth to Rainham, Plaistow gave birth to Romford and SureWay to The Oasis.



The largest church in the area is London Ghana in Canning Town with a membership of over 700. London Ghana has also been instrumental in planting churches in other areas within London.



Ethnic churches were started to meet the specific needs of immigrant communities such as London Asian, East London Portuguese and East London Romanian and to take the gospel to those communities. There is continual church growth within these communities.




The latest church plant in Area 6C is ACTS, a multigenerational plant that has a new approach to sharing the gospel through acts of service.


London Area 6C (Walthamstow) gave birth to Hyland House School in 1923. While the Hyland site remains in the area, the school was relocated in September 2015 to the former John Loughborough School site in Holcombe Road.


London Area 6C continues to be a dynamic and exciting area within the South England Conference for making God known and extending His kingdom in this part of London. We are glad you are a part of this area but if not then we would love to have you join us as we work together in finishing the work in this part of God’s vineyard.

Pastor Joojo Bonnie
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